The Albert and Parliament Primary Health Care Centre is located in the middle class neighborhood of South Albert, in Regina, Saskatchewan. The South Albert Neighborhood proper spans about 15,000 households (60,000 people). This is about one quarter the size of the city of Regina.
There is a significantly higher proportion of elderly living in condominiums and LTC homes and residences in this area. Notable ethnic communities, many of whom have lived in Regina for decades, include the Ukrainian and the Greek communities. The South Albert community is also an actively growing community, intercepting many immigrants from within Canada.
Numerous developments can be seen throughout the community notably the Harbor Landing residential neighborhood project besides the airport. It is not an understatement to say that over the years, almost ALL residents of the south end of Regina have received numerous primary care services from this centre. Aside from being home to a proportionally older population, the broader South Albert population reside in homes, are employed and tend to be comprised of middle-age families. The South Albert neighborhood is also home to numerous restaurants, parks, schools, and wide clean roads. This is truly an excellent place to live, work, and play.